Goudhurst In Bloom 2024

Applications are invited from residents of the Parish for the Goudhurst Parish In Bloom 2024 competition.

Categories are:-

  • The best village garden (mostly) visible from the road
  • The best cottage garden, not visible from the road
  • The best display, including hanging baskets, of commercial properties; this included pubs, shops and all business premises
  • The best non-commercial display; such as schools, preschools, war memorial, the Social Club etc.

Application forms can be obtained in local shops, business premises or by emailing clerk@goudhurst-pc.co.uk or download a copy here

The competition has now closed and winners will be announced in September.

Goudhurst D-Day Celebrations 6th June 2024

Our community will be commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day at the Goudhurst war memorial between 9:05 and 9:30am on Thursday 6 June.

Please note this change from previous mention of the commemoration starting at 9:30am.  This is in fact when it will be ending.

A short service will be followed by the ringing of church bells – how many learned the liberation of Europe had finally begun in 1944 – and the raising of commemorative flags at St Mary’s, Goudhurst, in Kilndown, and in Curtisden Green between 6 and 12 June.

Bells will also be rung at Lamberhurst (6:30pm) and Christ Church, Kilndown (7:30pm) on 6 June.

We Will Remember Them

Picture: Men of No. 47 Commando landing on Gold near La Rivière

Removing barriers to access in the High Weald AONB Landowner Offer

This opportunity is aimed at landowners who have public rights of way and stiles on their land and would be interested in improving accessibility. With support from the Government’s Access for All programme the High Weald Partnership is working with the public rights of way team of Kent County Council to supply and deliver FREE, galvanized metal pedestrian gates to landowners to replace existing stiles. More information can be found at: highweald.org/news/funding-to-improve-access-to-aonb/

Changes to bus services to Tunbridge Wells during the Pembury Road closure (A264)

The Pembury Road will be closed from 24 July until 01 September 2023 for gas mains replacement. During the closure, Bus services 6 from Maidstone (Arriva) and 297 from Tenterden (Hams Travel) will terminate at Tunbridge Wells Hospital so customers will need to change buses at the Hospital to reach the town centre.

The 6 will run a normal timetable between Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospital via Pembury, but please note that Hams Travel service 297 between Tenterden and the Hospital will run to a revised timetable to connect with the shuttles.

Arriva service 277 will continue to run via its normal route and timetable so if for any reason the shuttle is delayed the 277 (every half-hour) will provide an alternative between the Hospital and Tunbridge Wells town centre.

Sunday service 6 (which normally runs between Tunbridge Wells Rail Station and the Hospital in the early mornings and evenings only) will continue to do so via a diverted route.

Fed up with pot-holes!

<> <>How to report problems on the road or pavement
Problems such as; street light faults potholes drainage traffic signal faults overgrown vegetation (including hedges and grass). can be reported quickly and easily to Kent Highways via their online reporting tool <www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-problem>.
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