Highways Committee

The Highways Committee meets quarterly or as required. The Parish Council is not responsible for the highways, footways or public rights of way and therefore has no power to change or maintain them. However, the Parish Council does acknowledge the issues experienced by residents and visitors to the Parish and is working with Kent County Council and others to look for solutions. The Highways Committee considers:

  • Traffic flow and traffic calming on public highways
  • Access on foot on the highway in and around Goudhurst
  • Interactions between pedestrians and vehicles (crossings, footways, parking, etc)
  • HGV traffic issues
  • Public transport – bus services
  • Cycling
  • To establish and take account of residents’ views on Highways and Public Transport matters.
  • To develop positive relationships with KCC and TWBC officers and Members.

Members of the Committee are Cllrs Craig Broom, Suzie Kember, Paul Wareham and Alison Webster.

Latest Agenda

Minutes of Previous Meetings

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