Finance Committee

The role of the Finance Committee is to discuss and agree on the allocation of funds from the annual budget for ‘special projects’.  Special projects are those projects or items not deemed to fall under day to day expenditure or maintenance.

Committee Chairmen are asked to make submissions to the Finance Committee with a clear proposal for expenditure. The proposal should include a clear estimate of costs and an explanation/ justification for the expenditure. Committee members will discuss the merits of each proposal received and make recommendations to Council.

The Committee does not have any delegated authority. Any recommendations for the allocation of funds will be taken to Council for a decision/ resolution.

To apply for a grant, please read our policy here. For an application form, click here

Members of the Finance Committee are Cllrs Craig Broom, Antony Harris, Phil Kirkby, David Knight and Geoff Mason. Deputy Clerk and RFO, Panetta Horn is the advisor to the Committee.

Latest Agenda

Minutes of Previous Meetings

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