The Traffic and Transport group are is led by Shiona Gardiner. The group consists of:
- Shiona Gardiner
- Adrian Smith
- Keith Buckland
- Carol Buckland
- David Boniface
- Peter Wood
- Chris Wood
- Lynda LaRoche
- John Fleming
- Pippa Lane
- Peter Rolington
The Traffic and Transport working group should consider the following in developing their evidence base:
- Current and historical volumes and growth
- Documented traffic and transport issues
- Pedestrian paths and cycleways
- Public transport facilities and their usage
- On-street and off-street Car Parking
In terms of objectives the Traffic and Transport working group need to consider:
- Any local enhancements e.g. road safety, traffic management etc.
- Relationship of new development with good pedestrian, cycle & car routes
- Managing the impact of large vehicles
- Understand changes in parking need
- Requirement and usage of public transport
- Any need to promote walking/cycling to shops and schools