
This page will provide details of information and organisations that will provide some insight into our community and our landscape.

Goudhurst Questionnaire results This (large document) contains the results of the Goudhurst Residents Questionnaire covering all questions included in the questionnaire. The Questionnaire was open from 25th May to the 30th June.
Goudhurst Business Questionnaire This document provides the results of the Goudhurst Business Questionnaire which ran from May 10th to June 30th.
Tunbridge Wells Call for Sites #2 Tunnbridge Wells has issued two Call for Sites for which a number of sites in the parish have been submitted. This link will provide a list and an interactive map.
Tunbridge Wells Draft Local Plan – Issues and Options Tunbridge Wells are developing a new Local Plan for publication and implementation in 2018/9. They have recently published an Tunbridge Wells Draft Local Plan – Issues and Options – for consultation in May 2nd/June 12th. There are some changes here to Goudhurst’s position in prioritising development and a new 5,000 home garden village is also thrown into the mix!
Goudhurst Housing Need Survey 2017 The Rural Housing Enabler (RHE) undertook a parish wide survey to find out if there are shortfalls in affordable housing provision for households with local connections to Goudhurst Parish and whether there is a requirement for older people to downsize/move to more suitable housing for their needs. This report provides overall information as well as analysis of housing need.
Borough Landscape Character Assessment 2017 This is an updated LCA to support the new Local Plan
Parish Development since 1970


There has always been development in Goudhurst and these maps shows the detail of Parish Development since 1970


Place Profile for Goudhurst The Rural Place Profile for Goudhurst is a treasure trove of information combining multiple sources of data (e.g.Census) which provides insight into how our parish has grown and changed and the make-up of our community.
Listed Buildings in Goudhurst Around 25% of buildings in Goudhurst and listed – this list provides more detail.
Goudhurst Parish Collisions, 11yrs PIC Plot The roads ground Goudhurst have a poor reputation and this map shows  Goudhurst Parish Collisions, 11yrs PIC Plot around the parish over the last 11 years.
Goudurst Issues and needs From our public meeting this is the list of issues and needs  (dreams and nightmares!) created in the workshop
Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Strategic Housing Market Assessment This is the Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Strategic Housing Market Assessment. This is the document that proposes 13,000 new houses in TW by 2030.


Goudhurst Census data This is Office for National Statistics information on Goudhurst. This is a very rich seam of information about the Parish and looks at all areas of the parish from Crime to depravation.
High Weald ANOB The High Weald ANOB are a strategic, specialist team that:

  • furthers understanding of the High Weald
  • advises on its management and
  • enables action to conserve it.
High Weald Management plan The High Weald Management plan is of particular interest.
Goudhurst Landscape Character Maps ·       The HighWeald ANOB have done a lot of work surveying the ANOB. This is their view of in a series of Goudhurst Landscape Character Maps
Weald of Kent Protection society  (WKPS) Weald of Kent Protection society (WKPS) is a non-political environmental pressure group (registered charity 261992) with  three main aims:

–       To protect and enhance the character and environment of the Wealden towns, villages and countryside

–       To safeguard the amenities of the Weald of Kent

–       To cultivate a wider interest in and care for the beauty, history and character of the Weald of Kent

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) a National charity devoted to protecting and enhancing rural England. Encourages the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country.
copy of the 2011census data profiled for Goudhurst


copy of the 2011census data profiled for Goudhurst
Goudhurst-good-bad-dreams The original meeting asked some questions – what is good about our community, what is bad about our community and what would you like to see for our community.  goudhurst-good-bad-dreams
Locality Guides Locality guides to neighbourhood planning and funding
Forum for Neighbourhood Planning (Planning Aid & RTPI) templates
Tunnbridge Wells Call for Sites Tunnbridge Wells issues a Call for Sites which highlighted a number of potential sites in the Parish
Goudhurst and Kilndown conservation area Goudhurst and Kilndown conservation area definition Supplementary planning document
Goudhurst green-spaces-list Goudhust Parish – green-spaces-list which details the registered green spaces in the Parish
Designating Green Spaces – Guide North Devon’s example for the process of designating green spaces for the development plan  nddc_local_green_spaces_v3-0_final
2011 Housing Needs Survey for Goudhurst  2011 Housing Needs Survey for Goudhurst 
Ancient Woodland Inventory Document describing the ancient woodland areas in the TW Borough
Goudhurst Maps Goudhurst Limits to Build and conservation area maps
Kilndown Maps Kilndown Limits to Build and conservation area maps
Draft Goudhurst Sustainability Analysis This is a milestone document in the development of our NDP providing a baseline for the Parish. It is used to measure any proposals for the NDP.
High Weald Colour Study  The High Weald ANOB unit has published a colour study which will help groups like ours in developing design standards – a colour chart for Goudhurst!


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