The Landscape and Character Development group is led by Ed Bates. The group consists of:
- Ed Bates
- Peter Wood
- Susan Newsam
- Mary-Therese Leavens
- Chris Wood
- Craig Broom
Terms of Reference
The work of the Landscape Character Assessment Group endeavours to contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by protecting and enhancing the valued landscapes with specific reference to;
- Natural features of the landscape
- Historic landscape features and their settings
- The agricultural landscape; farms, field, boundaries, farm buildings and related rural industries
- Views and accessibility
- Locally distinctive green space and vegetation, such as woodlands, orchards, hedgerows and common land
- The built environment including distinctive local building styles and materials, traditional roads and settlement patterns
The objectives of the LCAG are to;
- Identify locally distinctive landscape features, characteristics and special qualities and consider how they can best be managed, protected and enhanced by the GNDP.
- Consider the “forces for change” and “management guidelines” sections within existing LCA, to identify landscape issues of local concern which could be addressed through the GNDP.
- Advise on the impact of existing environmental issues, and how they may be addressed by the GNDP.
- Consider the present impact of light pollution and if appropriate how the position may be improved by the GNDP.
- Put forward questions for inclusion in the GNDP questionnaire.
LCAG 20th December 2016
Minutes of Meetings: