About Us

View from St Marys

Our Vision

‘To ensure Goudhurst remains a vibrant community of hilltop settlements that are safe, balanced and sustainable with good local services, employment and business opportunity ’

Our Mission

To deliver services to our community that meet the needs of all our residents and visitors

  • Our Objectives
    • Deliver all services provided by the Parish Council within the agreed annual budget.
    • Provide governance and control over all areas of our activities to ensure we meet all legal requirements.
    • Maintain all assets in our community ensuring they continue to meet the needs of the community and our legal obligations.
    • Review all planning applications proposed within the Parish and ensure our views are delivered to Tunbridge Wells in support of their decision process.
    • To work with National Highways and KCC to monitor and develop strategies to moderate and mitigate traffic concerns and reduce the impact of traffic on our community.
    • To continue to improve communication within and across the Parish.
    • To promote Goudhurst as a destination and base ensuring the future viability of our community, our high street and local businesses.

Your Parish Councillors

Your Parish Council has twelve members. Below is a brief profile and contact details.

Alison Webster

Vice Chair

Anthony Harris


Phil Kirkby

Vice Chair

Goudhurst Ward

Cllr Craig Broom

Craig is Chair of the Finance, Highways and Planning committees and a member of the Youth & Housing Committee.


Cllr Edward Hodgskin

Edward is a member of the following committees:-

Burial Authority and Planning.


Cllr Suzie Kember

Suzie is a member of the following Committees:-

Highways and Planning.


Cllr Phil Kirkby Vice Chair

Phil is Chair of the Youth & Housing Committee and a member of the Burial Authority and Finance Committee.


Cllr Geoff Mason

Geoff is a member of the following committees:-

Amenities, Burial Authority & Finance.


Cllr Mrs Caroline Richards

Caroline is Chair of the Burial Authority and a member of the Amenities and Planning committees.


Cllr Alison Webster also Vice Chair

Alison is a member of the following committees:- Amenities, Highways and Youth & Housing.


Kilndown Ward

Cllr David Knight also Borough Councillor for Rural Tunbridge Wells

David is Chair of the Amenities Committee and a member of the Finance and Youth & Housing committees.


Cllr Ed Read-Cutting

Ed is a member of the following committees:-

Amenities and Planning.


Cllr Paul Wareham

Paul is a member of the following committees:-

Highways and Planning.


Curtisden Green Ward

Cllr Antony Harris Chairman

Antony is a member of the following committees:-

Finance and Planning.

Antony is ex-officio on all other committees


County Councillor

Cllr Seán Holden

Kent County Council County Hall, Maidstone ME14 1XQ

07717 853571


Goudhurst Parish Council Officers

Kat Hoyle

Clerk to Goudhurst Parish Council

01580 212552


Unit 3 Fountain House, High Street, Goudhurst, Cranbrook, United Kingdom

Panetta Horn

RFO to Goudhurst Parish Council

01580 212552


Unit 3 Fountain House, High Street, Goudhurst, Cranbrook, United Kingdom

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